Katwoman's Photos



Heading for Hierve el Agua in the middle of nowhere!!!

Chitzen Itza, which contains a pyramid inside with a jaguar made of wood and eyes of green stone

Mexico City's Cathedral, which is sinking (the city is build on a swamp!)


Indians in San Cristobal

Teotihuacan (the capital of the Aztecs) with the pyramid of the sun in front and the pyramid of the moon in the back. I had wanted to see this wonder since I wrote an assignment upon it in high school..




Trekking in Chiang Mai

Sukotai - Thailand's first capital. A place which was not crowded with tourists even though the park had a sign saying "Rabies Free Zone"!

Bummer! But let us all stand here and watch, then it might fix itself...

Perfume River on the way to Perfume Pagoda
Rice fields




1997, 1999 & 2000

A Tiki - symbolizing good luck and fertility

Looking good, sheep!

(first try cutting a sheep)

Fox Glacier


Mount Cook - NZ's highest mountain (3.755m)

Paragliding in Wanaka - not tandem!

Lake Wakatipu- Queenstown



Wanaka with Lake Wanaka.

This was the place I did the paragliding.

Tongariro National Park



1998 & 1999

Daintree River - crocks

Hungry dingo on Frasier Island - the world's largest sand island

Walking around Uluru (Ayers Rock)


Great Barrier Reef - best diving in the world!

Helicopter ride in Kings Canyon

Mackay Reef in Cape Tribulation - let's go diving!!!


Mimi Spirit - the Australian ancestors (the painting is a rock painting and at least 5.000 years old!)

Night diving somewhere near the Whit Sunday Islands

Sydney Opera House - an amazing building.


Uluru - Ayers Rock


The rock changes colours as the sun goes down. Finally it was my turn to see this wonderful sight after 6 years of waiting (in DK!) and the camera decided to run low on batteries the moment you have to take pictures every 30th second - that's why the date doesn't make any sense!



Guess who...

Hawaii's last king (King Kamehameha), Honolulu, Oahu

Kilauea Iki Crater, Big Island

A fabulous experience to walk through this crater alone for about 4 km.